Finlay Properties Ltd.

Company Agent at Finlay Properties

  • Agent License: 090-0348-8346
  • Tax Number: HGT-92384-3434
  • Service Areas: Bangladesh
  • Specialties: Property management, Real estate development, Real estate appraising, Retail leasing, Apartment brokerage

About Finlay Properties Ltd.

Born out of a desire to break with conventional methodologies of our real estate industry, our management team holds innovation as fundamental to our mission. And we believe the most innovative ideas grow out of true collaboration across all the sectors of our group.

Since Finlay’s inception in 2010, We reimagines the way space is sourced, designed, and built in order to bring people together in meaningful ways.

We believe that each one of us can make an impact on the world, and that together we can be a powerful force for positive change. At Finlay, We are experts in the fields of real estate, construction, design, and project management. But expertise alone won’t get us where we’re going. So we leverage technology and intuition, and cultivate an environment of constant learning.

Language: English, Bangla, Hindi

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    Good agent

    Nam congue nisi eu orci laoreet, nec tristique dolor scelerisque. Aenean mauris sem, commodo et accumsan ac, dictum vitae sem. Sed bibendum nunc neque, in auctor enim ultricies nec. Proin ornare nibh libero, id euismod nulla aliquam et. Nam eget augue ut dolor sagittis feugiat. Nullam et nibh id lacus mollis laoreet eu et mi.

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